72-8727 - DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE, 4 channel, 200MHz

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The Tenma 72-8727 DSO is a four-channel digital storage oscilloscope designed to be user-friendly with a clear front panel that provides access to all basic functions for easy operation. The buttons for scaling and positioning all channels are arranged for intuitive use, based on traditional instrument practices, allowing users to operate the new unit without spending considerable time in learning and becoming familiar with operation. The DSO features a dual time base function, which provides unrivalled waveform detail observation and analysis capabilities. The scroll display in scan mode enables continuous monitoring of signal variations. Additionally, the DSO has a unique XY mode that displays the waveform and Lissajous figure simultaneously. The DSO supports plug-and-play USB storage devices for easy software upgrades and communication with computers through the USB device. Waveform setups and bitmaps can be stored, and waveforms and setups can be reproduced. There is a built-in FFT and multiple waveform mathematics functions, including add, subtract, multiply, and divide. The DSO also has edge, video, pulse, slope, and alternate trigger functions. Automatic measurement of 24 waveform parameters is available for parameter testing and customization. Multiple AUTO setups provide extra flexibility.


Number of channels: 4 Channels A/D converter: 8-bit resolution Deflection graticule factor V/div range: 2 mV/div to 5 V/div at input BNC Displacement range: ±5 div Analog bandwidth: 200 MHz Single bandwidth: 100 MHz Selectable analog bandwidth limit (Typical): 20 MHz Low frequency response (AC coupling, -3 dB): ≤ 10 Hz at BNC Rise time: ≤ 1.8 ns DC gain accuracy: When vertical sensitivity is 2 mV/div: ±4% (sampling or average acquisition mode) When vertical sensitivity is 5 mV/div to 5 V/div: ±3% (sampling or average acquisition mode) DC measurement accuracy (average acquisition mode): When vertical position is zero and N > 16: ± (5% × reading 0.1 div 1 mV) and 2 mV/div is selected; ± (3% × reading 0.1 div 1 mV) and 5 mV/div to 5 V/div is selected When vertical position is not zero and N > 16: ± [3% × (reading vertical shift reading) (1% × vertical shift reading)] 0.2 div). Set from 5 mV/div to 200 mV/div plus 2 mV. Setup value > 200 mV/div to 5 V/div plus 50 mV Voltage difference (∆V) measurement accuracy (average acquisition mode): Under identical setup and environmental conditions, the voltage difference (∆V) between two points of the waveform after the average of > 16 waveforms acquired waveforms is taken: ± (3% × reading 0.05 div) Sampling modes: Real-time, Equivalent Acquisition rates: CH1, CH2: single channel 2 GS/s, two channels 1 GS/s CH3, CH4: single channel 2 GS/s, two channels 1 GS/s 50 GS/s Average: When all channels have made N acquisitions simultaneously, N is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 to 256.  
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72-8727 - DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE, 4 channel, 200MHz

AED 7,900.00